Top 7 Largest Pigeons in the World: Unveiling the Biggest

With their cooing calls and ubiquitous presence in urban settings, Pigeons are a familiar sight to many. However, did you know some pigeons are truly giants among their species? In this blog post, we will introduce you to the top 7 largest pigeons in the world, showcasing these magnificent birds’ impressive size and unique characteristics.

Did you know that the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, one of the largest pigeons in the world, has an astonishing courtship display? During the mating ritual, the male Victoria Crowned Pigeon raises its elegant crest, revealing intricate, eye-catching patterns of vivid blue and white feathers. As it struts and dances, this regal bird creates a mesmerizing spectacle that showcases the beauty and grandeur of the avian world.

1. Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria):

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon, native to Papua New Guinea, is a regal bird renowned for its majestic appearance. It sports a striking blue-gray plumage, elegant crest, and brilliant red eyes, making it one of the most beautiful pigeons in the world.

Attribute Information
Common Name Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Scientific Name Goura victoria
Where Found Papua New Guinea
Life Span Up to 25 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Mostly monogamous, forming small flocks
Identification Large size, blue-gray plumage, elegant crest, red eyes

Unique Facts about the Victoria Crowned Pigeon:

  • Their impressive crest can reach up to 8 inches (20 centimeters).
  • Victoria Crowned Pigeons are ground-dwellers and are often found foraging in lowland forests.
  • They have deep, resonant calls distinct from the cooing sounds typically associated with pigeons.

2. Western Crowned Pigeon (Goura cristata):

The Western Crowned Pigeon, closely related to the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, also possesses a magnificent appearance. Found in the rainforests of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, this bird showcases similar characteristics with a blue-gray plumage and an eye-catching crest.

Attribute Information
Common Name Western Crowned Pigeon
Scientific Name Goura cristata
Where Found Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Life Span Up to 20 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Mostly monogamous, forming small flocks
Identification Large size, blue-gray plumage, white-tipped crest

Unique Facts about the Western Crowned Pigeon:

  • Their intricate white-tipped crest enhances their regal appearance, earning them the name “crowned” pigeons.
  • Western Crowned Pigeons play a crucial role in seed dispersal, helping to maintain forest ecosystems.
  • Despite their size, they are skilled fliers, capable of soaring gracefully through dense rainforest canopies.

3. Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica):

The Nicobar Pigeon, native to the Nicobar Islands and parts of Southeast Asia, stands out with its stunning array of colors. Their vibrant plumage features a mix of metallic green, iridescent copper, and deep purples.

Attribute Information
Common Name Nicobar Pigeon
Scientific Name Caloenas nicobarica
Where Found Nicobar Islands, Southeast Asia
Life Span Up to 15 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Mostly solitary or in pairs
Identification Large size, iridescent green and copper plumage

Unique Facts about the Nicobar Pigeon:

  • Their iridescent plumage is thought to play a role in courtship displays, with the colors intensifying during the breeding season.
  • Nicobar Pigeons are strong flyers and can cover long distances for food and suitable nesting sites.
  • Due to habitat destruction and hunting, their population is declining, making them a vulnerable species.

4. Southern Crowned Pigeon (Goura scheepmakeri):

The Southern Crowned Pigeon, another member of the crowned pigeon family, is native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Known for its impressive size and distinctive crest, this bird commands attention in its rainforest habitat.

Attribute Information
Common Name Southern Crowned Pigeon
Scientific Name Goura scheepmakeri
Where Found Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Life Span Up to 20 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Mostly monogamous, forming small flocks
Identification Large size, blue-gray plumage, striking violet-tipped crest

Unique Facts about the Southern Crowned Pigeon:

  • Their violet-tipped crest adds an enchanting touch to their appearance, setting them apart from other crowned pigeon species.
  • Southern Crowned Pigeons are shy and secretive, often taking cover under dense foliage to avoid predators.
  • Their low reproductive rate and habitat loss contribute to their status as a near-threatened species.

5. Pied Imperial Pigeon (Ducula bicolor):

The Pied Imperial Pigeon, found in tropical regions of Southeast Asia and Australia, is recognized for its elegant black and white plumage. These pigeons are important seed dispersers, as they feed on a variety of fruits, including those from the fig family.

Attribute Information
Common Name Pied Imperial Pigeon
Scientific Name Ducula bicolor
Where Found Southeast Asia, Australia
Life Span Up to 20 years
Diet Fruits, including figs, and insects
Social Structure Mostly found in large flocks
Identification Large size, black and white plumage

Unique Facts about the Pied Imperial Pigeon:

  • They are strong fliers, capable of covering vast distances to find food and suitable nesting sites.
  • Pied Imperial Pigeons nest in large colonies, often on remote islands, making it easier to avoid predators.
  • Their dependence on certain fruit trees makes them essential for the dispersal and regeneration of these plant species.

6. Dusky Pigeon (Patagioenas goodsoni):

The Dusky Pigeon, native to parts of Central and South America, stands out with its deep blue-gray plumage and contrasting orange eyes. These pigeons are primarily found in humid forest habitats.

Attribute Information
Common Name Dusky Pigeon
Scientific Name Patagioenas goodsoni
Where Found Central and South America
Life Span Up to 8 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Solitary or in small groups
Identification Medium to large size, blue-gray plumage, orange eyes

Unique Facts about the Dusky Pigeon:

  • Thanks to their pointed wings and strong flight muscles, they are skilled at flying and maneuvering through dense forest canopies.
  • Dusky Pigeons have a distinct cooing call that echoes through the forest during their courtship displays.
  • These pigeons are considered an important indicator species for the health of their forest habitats.

7. Yellow-eyed Pigeon (Columba eversmanni):

The Yellow-eyed Pigeon, also known as Eversmann’s Pigeon, is a large bird in Central and South Asia. Their most striking feature is their bright yellow eyes, contrasting beautifully with their slate-gray plumage.

Attribute Information
Common Name Yellow-eyed Pigeon
Scientific Name Columba eversmanni
Where Found Central and South Asia
Life Span Up to 15 years
Diet Fruits, seeds, and small invertebrates
Social Structure Mostly solitary or in pairs
Identification Large size, slate-gray plumage, yellow eyes

Unique Facts about the Yellow-eyed Pigeon:

  • Their bright yellow eyes are a distinctive feature that helps identify them in their forested habitats.
  • Yellow-eyed Pigeons are relatively elusive and prefer living in dense, wooded areas, away from human activity.
  • Due to habitat destruction and hunting, their population is declining, making them a species of conservation concern.


How big is a crowned pigeon?

A crowned pigeon is relatively large compared to other pigeon species. The Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria) is one of the largest and most famous crowned pigeon species. It can reach about 29 to 33 inches (73 to 84 centimeters) and weigh around 4.4 to 7.7 pounds (2 to 3.5 kilograms). These pigeons have striking blue-gray plumage with elegant crests on their heads, making them a majestic sight to behold.

What is the largest and most beautiful pigeon in the world?

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria) is considered one of the world’s largest and most beautiful pigeons. Its vibrant blue-gray feathers, striking white-tipped crests, and deep maroon eyes contribute to its regal appearance. These pigeons are native to New Guinea and are often admired for their elegant and majestic presence.

Can a pigeon live 100 years?

No, pigeons cannot live up to 100 years. The average lifespan of a pigeon in the wild is around 3 to 5 years. However, in captivity, pigeons can live longer, usually 15 to 20 years, with proper care and nutrition.

Which bird lives the longest?

The longest-lived bird is the albatross, specifically the Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis), which holds the record for the oldest known wild bird. A banded Laysan Albatross named “Wisdom” was estimated to be at least 70 years old when she hatched another chick in 2018. Albatrosses are known for their impressive lifespan, with some individuals living well into their 50s or 60s.

How long do pigeons sleep?

Like most birds, Pigeons do not sleep continuously like mammals. Instead, they have periods of sleep throughout the day and night. Pigeons may sleep with one eye open and one closed to remain alert to potential threats while resting. They tend to sleep for short periods, ranging from a few seconds to a couple of minutes at a time and may take several naps throughout the day.


The world of pigeons is home to some truly magnificent giants, from the regal Victoria Crowned Pigeon to the striking Yellow-eyed Pigeon. These impressive birds, with their stunning plumage and unique characteristics, are a testament to the diversity and beauty of avian life. As we marvel at these largest pigeons, let us also appreciate and protect the habitats that support their existence, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with these remarkable creatures.

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