Animals That Start With M – List, Images and Facts

Animals that start with the letter M are diverse, from the tiny mouse to the massive manatee. They can be found in all habitats, from the frozen Arctic to the tropical rainforests. Some of these animals are well-known, such as the monkey and the meerkat, while others are less familiar, such as the mandrill and the marmoset. No matter how familiar or unfamiliar they may be, all these animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes and have various adaptations that help them survive in their respective environments. Whether you’re a kid who’s just learning about animals or an adult who’s always been fascinated by them, you’re sure to find something interesting on this list of animals that starts with M.

Did you know that manatees, often called “sea cows,” have a fascinating evolutionary connection to elephants? Despite their seemingly different appearances, manatees and elephants share a common ancestor that lived over 50 million years ago. Over time, the ancestor’s descendants branched into two distinct directions, leading to the terrestrial elephants we know today and the aquatic manatees. This unexpected connection becomes more apparent when you look at the manatee’s skeletal structure, which includes remnants of finger-like bones within their flippers—a feature reminiscent of the fingers found in the trunks of elephants. This intriguing link serves as a reminder of the intricate and unexpected paths that evolution can take, bridging seemingly disparate creatures through shared ancestry.

1. Moose

The Moose, scientifically known as Alces alces, is a majestic and iconic mammal found in the northern regions of North America and Eurasia. The moose is a sight with its towering antlers and massive size.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Alces alces
Common Name Moose
Where Found Northern regions of North America and Eurasia
Life Span Around 15 to 25 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on leaves and aquatic plants
Social Structure Mostly solitary
Identification Large, heavy-set body with palmate antlers.

Unique Facts about Moose:

  • Male moose grow impressive antlers, which can span up to 6 feet in width, used for display and dominance during the mating season.
  • Moose are strong swimmers and can often be seen wading in lakes and rivers to forage for aquatic plants.

2. Manatee

The Manatee, scientifically known as Trichechus, is a gentle and slow-moving marine mammal found in warm waters. They are often called “sea cows” for their peaceful demeanor.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Trichechus
Common Name Manatee
Where Found Warm coastal waters of the Americas and West Africa
Life Span Around 40 to 60 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on aquatic plants
Social Structure Generally solitary, but sometimes form small groups
Identification Large, round bodies with paddle-like flippers.

Unique Facts about Manatees:

  • Manatees are excellent divers, using their powerful tails to propel themselves in search of food.
  • Despite their massive size, manatees are gentle creatures and are often curious about human interactions.

3. Macaw

The Macaw, scientifically known as Psittacidae, is a vibrant and intelligent parrot native to the rainforests of South America.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Psittacidae
Common Name Macaw
Where Found Rainforests of South America
Life Span Around 30 to 50 years (in captivity)
Diet Omnivorous, eat fruits, nuts, and seeds
Social Structure Often live in flocks
Identification Large size, long tail, and brightly colored plumage.

Unique Facts about Macaws:

  • Macaws are excellent mimics, capable of imitating human speech and various sounds.
  • They are highly social birds, often seen flying in flocks and displaying strong bonds with their mates.

4. Mountain Goat

The Mountain Goat, scientifically known as Oreamnos americanus, is a sure-footed and agile mammal found in the rugged terrain of North America.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Oreamnos americanus
Common Name Mountain Goat
Where Found Mountains of North America
Life Span Around 12 to 15 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on grasses and shrubs
Social Structure Live in small herds
Identification Shaggy white fur and black horns.

Unique Facts about Mountain Goats:

  • Mountain goats have specialized hooves with rough pads, providing excellent traction on steep slopes.
  • They are known for their incredible climbing abilities, easily scaling cliffs and rocky surfaces.

5. Manta Ray

The Manta Ray, scientifically known as Mobula birostris, is an awe-inspiring marine creature found in warm oceans worldwide.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Mobula birostris
Common Name Manta Ray
Where Found Warm oceans worldwide
Life Span Around 20 to 30 years (wild)
Diet Carnivorous, mainly feed on plankton and small fish
Social Structure Generally solitary
Identification Large triangular wings and unique markings on the belly.

Unique Facts about Manta Rays:

  • Manta rays are filter feeders, using their gill rakers to sieve tiny plankton from the water.
  • They are gentle giants, posing no threat to humans, and are often curious about divers.

6. Meerkat

The Meerkat, scientifically known as Suricata suricatta, is a small and social mongoose found in the deserts of Africa.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Suricata suricatta
Common Name Meerkat
Where Found Deserts of Africa
Life Span Around 12 to 14 years (wild)
Diet Omnivorous, eat insects, small animals, and plants
Social Structure Live in tight-knit family groups
Identification Slender bodies and dark patches around their eyes.

Unique Facts about Meerkats:

  • Meerkats have keen senses and take turns acting as lookouts to protect the group from potential threats.
  • They have a cooperative breeding system, where other members of the group help care for the young.

7. Musk Ox

The Musk Ox, scientifically known as Ovibos moschatus, is a hardy and powerful mammal inhabiting the Arctic region.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Ovibos moschatus
Common Name Musk Ox
Where Found Arctic regions of North America and Greenland
Life Span Around 12 to 20 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on grasses and mosses
Social Structure Live in herds
Identification Thick, shaggy fur and large curved horns.

Unique Facts about Musk Oxen:

  • Musk oxen have a special adaptation to survive harsh winters – their warm, dense undercoat called “qiviut.”
  • When threatened, they are highly protective of their young and form a defensive circle around the calves.

8. Marine Iguana

The Marine Iguana, scientifically known as Amblyrhynchus cristatus, is a unique reptile found exclusively in the Galápagos Islands.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Amblyrhynchus cristatus
Common Name Marine Iguana
Where Found Galápagos Islands
Life Span Around 5 to 12 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on seaweed
Social Structure Often found in colonies
Identification Unique flattened tail and black coloration.

Unique Facts about Marine Iguanas:

  • Marine iguanas are the only lizards known to swim in the ocean and feed on underwater algae.
  • Their unique adaptation allows them to expel excess salt from their nostrils, making them well-suited for their marine lifestyle.

9. Mantis Shrimp

The Mantis Shrimp, scientifically known as Stomatopoda, is a small but mighty marine crustacean in tropical waters.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Stomatopoda
Common Name Mantis Shrimp
Where Found Tropical waters worldwide
Life Span Around 4 to 6 years (wild)
Diet Carnivorous, prey on small fish and invertebrates
Social Structure Generally solitary
Identification Elongated bodies with specialized front claws.

Unique Facts about Mantis Shrimp:

  • Mantis shrimp possess one of the most powerful and fastest strikes in the animal kingdom, capable of breaking aquarium glass.
  • They have remarkable eyesight, with some species having 12 to 16 types of photoreceptor cells, allowing them to detect a wide range of colors and polarized light.

10. Musk Deer

The Musk Deer, scientifically known as Moschus, is a small and elusive deer found in the mountainous regions of Asia.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Moschus
Common Name Musk Deer
Where Found Mountainous regions of Asia
Life Span Around 10 to 15 years (wild)
Diet Herbivorous, mainly feed on leaves and shrubs
Social Structure Mostly solitary
Identification Small size, long canine teeth in males.

Unique Facts about Musk Deer:

  • Musk deer are named after the strong-smelling musk produced by males, used in the production of perfumes and traditional medicine.
  • They have adapted to life in rugged terrain, with their slender legs and hooves well-suited for navigating steep slopes.


What is a big animal that starts with M?

A big animal that starts with the letter “M” is the “Moose” (scientific name: Alces alces). Moose are the largest members of the deer family and are known for their impressive size and distinctive antlers.

What sea mammal begins with M?

A sea mammal that starts with the letter “M” is the “Manatee.” There are three species of manatee: the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, and the West African manatee. These gentle herbivorous marine mammals are known for their slow movements and are often found in coastal waters, rivers, and estuaries.

What African animal begins with M?

An African animal that begins with the letter “M” is the “Meerkat” (scientific name: Suricata suricatta). Meerkats are small carnivores that belong to the mongoose family. They are social animals known for their alert posture and cooperative behaviors in their native habitats of southern Africa.

What whale starts with M?

A whale that starts with the letter “M” is the “Minke Whale.” Minke whales are relatively small baleen whales known for their distinctive appearance and feeding behaviors. They can be found in oceans worldwide, including polar and temperate waters.


Nature has blessed us with a marvelous array of animals that start with the letter “M.” From the regal moose to the enchanting marine iguana, each creature bears unique traits that inspire awe and wonder. As we celebrate the beauty of these diverse beings, let us also remember the importance of preserving their habitats and ensuring their survival for generations to come. Together, we can cherish and protect these masterpieces of the natural world.

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