Animals That Start With V – Full List, Images and Facts

Animals That Start With V are some of the most elusive creatures on the planet! Whether you’re trying to stump your friends in a game of animal trivia or just looking to expand your knowledge of the animal kingdom, some amazing animals begin with the letter V. From vultures to vervet monkeys, we’ve compiled a full list of animals that start with V – complete with images and facts. So get ready to conquer the V name game and discover the incredible creatures that start with V!

Did you know that the vicuña, a small and elegant South American camelid, produces one of the finest and most sought-after fibers in the world? Renowned for its softness and warmth, vicuña wool was once reserved exclusively for Inca royalty due to its rarity. The vicuña’s fleece is incredibly fine, making it the finest natural fiber, even surpassing cashmere in quality. These graceful animals are found in the high-altitude regions of the Andes, and they were once endangered due to overhunting. However, through concerted conservation efforts, their populations have rebounded, and sustainable wool harvesting now supports local communities while ensuring the continued existence of this living treasure of the Andean mountains.

1. Vervet Monkey

The Vervet Monkey, scientifically known as Chlorocebus pygerythrus, is an intelligent and social primate native to Africa. These monkeys live in large groups called troops and are known for their distinctive blue faces and playful antics.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Chlorocebus pygerythrus
Common Name Vervet Monkey
Where Found Native to Africa
Life Span Around 10 to 12 years
Diet Omnivorous, eat fruits, leaves, insects, and small animals
Social Structure Live in large groups called troops
Identification Blue face and a long tail.

Unique Facts about Vervet Monkeys:

  • They have a complex system of vocalizations, including specific calls for different predators, helping them communicate effectively within their troops.
  • Vervet monkeys are excellent jumpers and climbers, allowing them to navigate through trees easily.

2. Vampire Bat

The Vampire Bat, scientifically known as Desmodontinae, is a fascinating and misunderstood mammal in the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, these bats do not suck blood like vampires but rather make small incisions on their prey and lap up the blood.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Desmodontinae
Common Name Vampire Bat
Where Found Found in the Americas
Life Span Around 6 to 8 years
Diet Hematophagous, primarily feed on blood from livestock and birds
Social Structure Live in colonies
Identification Small size with sharp teeth and leathery wings.

Unique Facts about Vampire Bats:

  • Vampire bats have an anticoagulant enzyme in their saliva, which prevents blood from clotting while they feed.
  • They are known for their unique social behavior, often regurgitating blood to feed other colony members who have not been successful in finding prey.

3. Vicuña

The Vicuña, scientifically known as Vicugna vicugna, is a graceful and wild relative of the llama found in the Andes mountains of South America. These camelids are known for their fine and valuable wool, prized by indigenous cultures for centuries.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Vicugna vicugna
Common Name Vicuña
Where Found Andes mountains of South America
Life Span Around 15 to 20 years
Diet Herbivorous, eat grass and plants
Social Structure Live in small groups or alone
Identification Graceful with a slender body and long neck.

Unique Facts about Vicuñas:

  • Vicuñas are the smallest members of the camelid family and have the finest wool of any animal, making their fiber highly sought after for textiles.
  • They are known for their extraordinary ability to live in high-altitude areas, thriving in harsh mountain conditions.

4. Viper

The Viper, scientifically known as Viperidae, is a venomous snake in various habitats worldwide, except for Antarctica and Australia. These snakes have a specialized heat-sensing pit organ that helps them detect prey and predators in the dark.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Viperidae
Common Name Viper
Where Found Found in various habitats worldwide
Life Span Varies depending on the species
Diet Carnivorous, eat small mammals, birds, and other reptiles
Social Structure Solitary
Identification Triangular-shaped head and venomous fangs.

Unique Facts about Vipers:

  • Vipers have hinged fangs that fold against the roof of their mouth when not in use, preventing them from accidentally biting themselves.
  • Many species of vipers use camouflage and remain motionless to ambush their prey.

5. Vulture

The Vulture, scientifically known as Cathartidae, is a large scavenging bird found on every continent except Antarctica. These impressive birds play a crucial role in the ecosystem by consuming carrion and cleaning up the environment.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Cathartidae
Common Name Vulture
Where Found Found on every continent except Antarctica
Life Span Around 20 to 30 years
Diet Scavenger, eat carrion and dead animals
Social Structure Often seen in groups when feeding
Identification Large birds with bald heads and sharp beaks.

Unique Facts about Vultures:

  • Vultures have strong stomach acid, allowing them to consume decaying meat without getting sick from harmful bacteria.
  • They are known for their soaring flight, using thermals to stay aloft while searching for food.

6. Velvet Worm

The Velvet Worm, scientifically known as Onychophora, is a unique and ancient invertebrate in tropical and subtropical regions. Despite its name, this creature is not a worm but a distant relative of arthropods, such as insects and spiders.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Onychophora
Common Name Velvet Worm
Where Found Tropical and subtropical regions
Life Span Varies depending on the species
Diet Carnivorous, eat small insects and other invertebrates
Social Structure Solitary
Identification Soft-bodied with a velvety appearance and multiple pairs of legs.

Unique Facts about Velvet Worms:

  • Velvet worms have a unique method of capturing prey, using sticky slime ejected from glands to immobilize insects.
  • Despite their simple appearance, they possess remarkable hunting strategies and are considered living fossils due to their ancient lineage.

7. Vaquita

The Vaquita, scientifically known as Phocoena sinus, is the world’s smallest and most endangered porpoise. Native to the Gulf of California, these marine mammals face a critical threat of extinction due to accidental entanglement in fishing gear.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Phocoena sinus
Common Name Vaquita
Where Found Gulf of California, Mexico
Life Span Around 20 years
Diet Carnivorous, eat small fish and squid
Social Structure Usually seen in small groups
Identification Small and shy, with distinctive black patches around the eyes and lips.

Unique Facts about Vaquitas:

  • Vaquitas are known for their elusive behavior, making them challenging to study and conserve.
  • Conservation efforts are being made to protect these gentle porpoises and prevent their extinction.

8. Velvet Ant

The Velvet Ant, scientifically known as Mutillidae, is a peculiar and solitary wasp found in various ecosystems worldwide. Despite its name, the velvet ant is not a true ant but a wingless female wasp.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Mutillidae
Common Name Velvet Ant
Where Found Found in various ecosystems worldwide
Life Span Varies depending on the species
Diet Carnivorous, primarily feed on nectar
Social Structure Solitary
Identification Covered in dense, velvet-like hair with vibrant colors.

Unique Facts about Velvet Ants:

  • Female velvet ants are known for their potent stings, and some species are nicknamed “cow killers” due to the pain of their sting.
  • Despite their striking appearance, they are challenging to find as they are solitary and tend to be active during specific times of the day.

9. Violet-backed Starling

The Violet-backed Starling, scientifically known as Cinnyricinclus leucogaster, is a stunning and migratory bird in sub-Saharan Africa. Its striking plumage and melodious songs make it a beloved sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Cinnyricinclus leucogaster
Common Name Violet-backed Starling
Where Found Sub-Saharan Africa
Life Span Around 3 to 5 years
Diet Omnivorous, eat fruits, insects, and seeds
Social Structure Live in small flocks during breeding season
Identification Brilliant violet back and white belly with glossy black feathers.

Unique Facts about Violet-backed Starlings:

  • Male violet-backed starlings have iridescent plumage that changes color with the angle of light, creating a beautiful shimmering effect.
  • During the breeding season, these starlings engage in intricate courtship displays to attract mates.

10. Viperfish

The Viperfish, scientifically known as Chauliodus, is a menacing deep-sea fish found in oceanic depths worldwide. With its long, fang-like teeth and bioluminescent organs, this fish is well-adapted to its dark and mysterious habitat.

Attribute Information
Scientific Name Chauliodus
Common Name Viperfish
Where Found Found in deep-sea oceanic depths worldwide
Life Span Varies depending on the species
Diet Carnivorous, eat smaller fish and cephalopods
Social Structure Solitary
Identification Elongated body with sharp teeth and bioluminescent photophores.

Unique Facts about Viperfish:

  • Viperfish have an extendable stomach, allowing them to swallow prey larger than their body size.
  • They use bioluminescence to attract prey in the dark depths, with their glowing photophores acting as lures.


What other animals start with Z?

In addition to the zebra, another animal that starts with the letter “Z” is the “Zorilla” (scientific name: Ictonyx striatus), also known as the African striped polecat. It’s a small carnivorous mammal found in Africa.

What animal starts with the letter V?

An animal that starts with the letter “V” is the “Vulture.” Vultures are scavenging birds that play a crucial role in ecosystems by cleaning up carrion and helping prevent disease spread.

What French animals begin with V?

In France, some animals that begin with the letter “V” include the “Vache” (cow), “Vison” (mink), “Vipère” (viper), and “Vautour” (vulture). These are just a few examples of animals with names starting with “V” in French.


The animals that start with the letter “V” showcase our planet’s immense diversity of life. From the playful vervet monkey to the elusive vaquita, each creature offers unique traits that make them extraordinary in their own right. As we continue to explore the beauty of the natural world, let us cherish and protect these magnificent beings for generations to come.

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