Did you know that whales are the largest animals on Earth, with some species reaching lengths of over 100 feet?

Did you know that whales are mammals who give birth to live young and nurse them with milk?

Baleen whales, such as humpbacks and blue whales, have baleen plates instead of teeth to filter food from the water.

Did you know that the tongue of a blue whale alone weighs as much as an elephant?

Some whales, like the humpback, are known for their complex songs that can last for hours.

Whales can hold their breath for extended periods, with some species staying submerged for over an hour.

Calves, or baby whales, are born with the ability to swim and dive shortly after birth.

Whales communicate with each other through a wide range of vocalizations, body movements, and even physical contact

Whales are known for their long migrations, traveling thousands of miles between feeding and breeding grounds.

The narwhal, often called the "unicorn of the sea," has a long spiral tusk that can grow up to 10 feet in length.